Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Kaylee + Chris Video

Well, I started playing around with my 'imovie' program on my computer, and made a simple little movie with my twin sister Kaylee's engagement pictures. I'm still trying to figure it out, so bear with me folks! It's a lot easier to display my pictures like this though! What do you think? Should I always do it?

Complimentary 2012 Senior Session!

SENIORS OF 2012!! I realize your Senior year hasn't even begun yet, but I'm PUMPED to take some senior portraits!! So I've decided to give away a complimentary photo shoot to someone here in the valley! Here's the deal-

1. Email me your favorite picture of yourself at photo.bug.elise@gmail.com by August 15th, and I'll put them into an album on facebook

2. After that, it's a contest to see who can get the most 'likes' on their picture! Tell your friends, family, coworkers... anyone you want, to like your picture.

3. Check on my blog and facebook by August 29th to see who won the photoshoot! After that, I'll get in contact with the winner to schedule a shoot, it's as simple as that!