Thursday, February 25, 2010

I took some pictures of this precious little new born today. It was my first shoot with a baby, but I want to do more of kids soooooo bad now!! Technically the shoot was just for the newborn, Benson, but I snapped this shot of his older brother and have absolutely fallen in love with it!! I mean... look at those eyes!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

We've had some spare time at EVIT lately, so I've been taking advantage of the new, beautiful computers with cs4 on them and paying a little more attention to some of the wedding pictures I took in December. The ones that stood out to me the most were the ones of the kids. They're so precious!!

This one is my favorite. I usually like pictures of people because facial expressions are so powerful, but without facial expressions this picture says so much!

Monday, February 22, 2010

These girls were so cute!!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Green Eyes

Last Friday I took pictures of my good friend, Natalie. We've been friends since seventh grade, sitting at the lunch table, talking of whatever seventh graders talk about. Now we go to EVIT together, and we have good, good times together!! I loved editing her pictures, especially editing them so her green eyes stood out. It was great!!

Monday, February 15, 2010

“Photography records the gamut of feelings written on the human face, the beauty of the earth and skies that man has inherited, and the wealth and confusion man has created. It is a major force in explaining man to man.”
--Edward Steichen

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Admit It

Okay. So I realize that when editing a picture and making one item color and the rest of the photo black and white is not THAT original. Let's face it, any kid on picnick can do this. But gosh darn it, the teenager in me ( It has a right to be in me.... considering I still am one) tells me to do it anyways, just for kicks and giggles. I gotta say though, this picture is pretty. Dang. Bomb.

This is what happens when I'm supposed to be doing a research paper, by the way.....

Roses are Red

Happy Valentines Day :)

Friday, February 5, 2010


Kaylee and I did our own little photo shoot today. Made me remember that that's how my photography obsession got started. :) I unfortunately took too long to do my hair (which looked pretty pathetic anyways), so it was super dark when we got out there and even darker when we took kaylee's pictures, so we got one usable one of her sadly. I haven't had pictures taken of myself in forever..... it was sooooooooo strange to be the one in front of the camera! Me and a camera in the same shot is always happy times though :) But I heartily apologize for all the agony I put my subjects in when I take their pictures!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Emilee Ruth

This gorgeous girl is one of my best friends, Emilee. She is such a gorgeous girl, inside and out. I love the picture above, my teacher even asked me if she was a model. I very proudly replied that she was my best friend and just THAT beautiful!! Love you Emilee!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

'56 Chevy

Yesterday at EVIT we got to take pictures with our models with a '56 chevy. Lemme tell ya... I'm not a car person, but this was a DANG nice car!! Unfortunately the shoot was shorter than usual and I didn't get a full shot of the car, my brain was not working for some reason and the camera was malfunctioning a bit as well! Now I know what not to do next time though so I can get more shots and a wider variety of them!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

More Studio Photos

I'm loving that studio!!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Published!! (well.... sorta)

Last Friday my teacher at EVIT told me - ' hey Elise, I think you'll be happy to see one of these posters I'm printing off for the Tech Fest, that's a picture you took, I believe ' and I was ecstatic to see the biggest, most beautiful hi resolution picture sitting there on the desk. Call me a nerd, but it was so,so exciting to see it that big!! Soooo exciting!! I usually don't like taking pictures of myself, but I figured that 10 years from now I'm gonna want a picture of me right next to my first (hopefully not the last) 'published' photo. I apologize for the quality of the photo, my little digital camera is pathetic compared to the giant ones I usually use and we had to snap it real fast before someone walked in the picture.