Saturday, December 4, 2010

Your Future

So! This is PART of my photo project, I figured it would be nice to show a few. This project was definitely challenging, most of the time I'm taking pictures of people who I know pretty well, not total strangers. But it was a great learning experience for me. It taught me a lot about people... how different we all are. I am not exaggerating when I say that each one was a whole different experience. Each subject had a different story to tell, whether they wanted to or not, when I asked them to finish the sentence 'the future is....' as I took pictures, their story was apparent. Some had their whole life planned out, some had no idea at all, some bubbly, others solemn and serious, a few were open with their feelings, while most were clearly uncomfortable in front of the camera. All of them had one thing in common though, that inner desire to be better than they are.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Last year, when I was just getting used to the studio, we took pictures of this model. All of the photographers were in utter shock of her talent, and we were so glad when she approached us and asked to take some more pictures of her. We all gladly agreed :) I tried to do editing styles that were a little out of my comfort zone on these, and push the envelope on what I consider 'safe editing'. Should i push the editing more often? Give me your feedback!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

I don't consider myself a nature photographer by any means, at all. But when you're traveling through to Utah and Idaho, and sitting in the car for over 24 flippin' hours.... You can't help but look at the scenery. And it was actually relaxing editing these, when I'm editing a client's pictures I'm always.... (always) thinking 'oh my gosh what if they don't like it???!!' The flowers are always so easy to please :)

(technically my sister took this one. It was on her side of the car so I handed her the camera and demand she take a picture!)

Oh yeah..... Did I mention I'll be moving to the lovely Utah for college next September? I'm just starting to build up a client base here in Arizona... I'll definitely miss that. But hey. I'm sure there are plenty of people in Utah wanting pictures!!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Your Future

Last April, I said in this post how much I wanted to do my own photo project, but I didn't consider myself 'legit' enough to do a project of such magnitude. This year I decided that I'm gonna fake it till I make it, and do a giant photo project. And lemme tell ya. It's overwhelming, it's hard, it's confusing, it keeps me up at night, but I am SO excited to be working on this!

This being my Senior year in High School, I've been thinking a lot about my future, it's something I feel so strongly about, and formed in my mind this whole scheme to capture that feeling from different senior students around EVIT. It's called 'Your Future', and I'm taking certain students from around the EVIT campus, from about 10 different programs. I've been asking them about their future, then doing a photo shoot with them, trying to get that ONE shot that is THE shot. So far my subjects have made it quite easy on me! I've only done 4 of these shoots so far, and I have about 20 more to do by November (I'm crazy, I know), but I'm so excited about it, I couldn't wait to share just a rough sketch of what I'm working with. Comments are appreciated and welcome :)


I must say, I used to hate all types of studio photography before I actually tried it. Now I simply can't get enough! (by the way, isn't she just adorable and gorgeous at the same time?!)

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Doug and Andreia

See this amazingly sweet couple? They're my aunt and uncle :) These were taken in Scottsdale, I have found an amazing new location!!

Saturday, September 4, 2010


Okay. Here's the deal. I'm applying for a photography Scholarship, and I need YOUR help! I'm supposed to submit my 5 best pictures, pictures that tell a story, and I need EVERYONE'S opinion. These pictures need to tell a story, so I've found the ones that I believe tell the most. If you could list off the number of your top five pictures, from favorite to least favorite, I would be MUCH obliged! Remember. These pictures need to tell a story, to cause an emotion when you look at them, not just 'oh that's a nice picture'. And if you hate all of them, please tell me!!! I very much need everyone's opinion on this one!! Blog stalkers, come out of where you're hiding and COMMENT!!!


P.S. If a picture of here is in here, then tell me and I will take it out of the choices. If you don't mind.... well.... thanks for letting me use your face ;)














Thursday, September 2, 2010


When I showed these pictures to my grandma, all she could say was 'how perfect... how perfect!' And I couldn't agree more :)

Monday, August 30, 2010


This girl went through this photoshoot in 100 degree weather, and was functioning on about 4 hours of sleep, since we were up talking till the early morning hours!! Congratulations Mae!!

Saturday, August 28, 2010


How I love taking pictures of kids! It's exhausting work, trying to keep their attention, but even if they aren't looking directly at you, the picture still turns out perfect!