Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Studio Photos

Earlier this week I had the opportunity to take pictures in the photography studio at EVIT for some posters we're gonna try to run (my multimedia tech class is always working on something to help EVIT out). We had models from the cosmo department and a full scale wardrobe and make-up attack on 'em. I had always turned my nose up at studio pictures, thinking they were too stuffy. And even though I still prefer taking pictures outdoors, I found that snapping photos in a studio is actually fun and pretty hard to do!! You can't rely on your surroundings to add to the photo, merely the person and your composition of the photo. I also learned something else... never edit pictures on a freakishly old mac... the color is a WHOLE lot different on a current computer!! So I apologize for the coloring on some of them. Next time... I'll do my retouching on a computer bought in the 21st century!!












These last two pictures are my favorites. The first because of the unexpected angle, and the second because of the real expression on her face. It wasn't a posed picture, my favorite kind :)

1 comment:

  1. I agree, the B&W is awesome. Also I love the desk ones. They are both great and I think it was a fabulous idea =) Fun Fun.
