Saturday, September 4, 2010


Okay. Here's the deal. I'm applying for a photography Scholarship, and I need YOUR help! I'm supposed to submit my 5 best pictures, pictures that tell a story, and I need EVERYONE'S opinion. These pictures need to tell a story, so I've found the ones that I believe tell the most. If you could list off the number of your top five pictures, from favorite to least favorite, I would be MUCH obliged! Remember. These pictures need to tell a story, to cause an emotion when you look at them, not just 'oh that's a nice picture'. And if you hate all of them, please tell me!!! I very much need everyone's opinion on this one!! Blog stalkers, come out of where you're hiding and COMMENT!!!


P.S. If a picture of here is in here, then tell me and I will take it out of the choices. If you don't mind.... well.... thanks for letting me use your face ;)














1 comment:

  1. (you need to take a look at that ps again babe.)
    Okay, favorite out of these:
    6-3-5 (Justin's expression just makes this whole photo) -7-13 (pathways always = story)

    My other choices would be 9 and 12.
